Saturday, 10 August 2013


Just searching various items online,  and came across this interesting item about Carbon Tax

The carbon tax - an irrelevant discourse
This is a draft of a paper I wrote in 2011 on the then prospective carbon tax. It has since been published by IBFD. I argued that the compensation package for workers to ameliorate the impact of the carbon tax would prove illusory over time and would make the working class pay for the environmental degradation unleashed by the polluters in their pursuit of profit. Further, the pricing was too low then and into the foreseeable future to encourage a switch to renewables. It would instead lock in gas fired power stations for decades to come. I think the subsequent events have proved me correct. To download hit the download button in the middle of the abstract page which this link takes you too. Here is the link. Or here (0)

You can download the report that John Passant wrote at the link above.

I found it at this link:

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