Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Well poor old Bob is blaming LNP advertising for the severe loss of his support base!!!!.

He is so delusional that he cannot see that his support base left him after the last Federal election - for many - those of us who are a bit quicker on the uptake left him years ago.

He thinks they left him after LNP's advertising during the campaign and is trying to blame that for his dismal result in 2013.

That is how out of touch with the electorate Bob Katter is and what I have been saying for some time on this and other forums. 

Now people on another forum of which I was a member previously may realise I was not talking through my hat (or they may have thought worse things - lol).

Anyway this picture of Bob is on the front page of the "Tablelander" this morning.  I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. 

This is the real Bob Katter.  :-) :-)

In case you think I am enjoying this result, you sure are not wrong!! 


  1. Delusional is right, Bev. Everyone knows he is ahead because of Labor, Green and PUP preferences.

    1. Yes, John, Unfortunately it looks like we are stuck with him again but we sure kicked his backside. He will sure be gone next time

      :-) :-)

  2. Apparently he wants to stitch up a preference deal with Palmer for the future.

    What on earth are you breeding up there in Queensland ? LOL

  3. Apart from his preference deal with Labor which probably saved them some seats here, he and Palmer provided the preferences needed to vote in Green senators in Qld and WA.

    I can accept being beaten in WA by a guy who got 0.22% against my 3.5%, but I cannot forgive nor forget that these two faux conservatives inflicted two Green senators on us.

  4. He has the hide to keep claiming that the LNP was lying about his preference deals. A week or so before the election he was on TV saying Hitler said if you repeated a lie often enough, people would accept it as true (actually it was his propaganda minister Goebells who said that). He seems to be following that advice himself. Fortunately it didn't work for Rudd.

  5. Hi everyone,

    Some members have been lobbying in the NSW Parliament.

    They have had a few chats with, and sent briefing emails to certain politicians. Who appear to be receptive to potentially moving property rights amendments to the new planning legislation in the NSW Upper House. To prove our bona fides and gauge the potential they have asked for a list of contacts in each LGA that they could refer to. Please confirm that it is OK for me to give out just your name, LGA & your email address to them. If you know any other areas and/or people we should include also let me know.
    Please email to elzermank@yahoo.com
    Damien Rogers

    1. Damien,
      I have been that flat out with property rights issues in Qld that it looks like I missed the review into the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 which gave NSW councils the power to enact LEP's ( Local Environmental Plan) Your comment prompted me to a Google search.
      Is it from this review process that some politicians now appear to be receptive to reform in NSW?

    2. Hi Dale, Yes the white paper was the NSW governments attempt at a reform. But of course the greens and bureaucrats are keeping control. It was designed mainly to free up the big end of town (the really big developers) and further centralise control. So yes, more politicians are now concerned about the loss of property rights and our messed up planning system.


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