by Viv Forbes
all the anti-carbon policies supposedly improving our climate, carbon capture
and burial is probably the worst.
life can exist on earth without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, nature has been capturing and burying this valuable plant food
for millions of years.
Image sourced [here]
dioxide is very soluble in water, especially cold water. So it is continually being
captured from the atmosphere by rain, rivers and the oceans as well as in
growing vegetation. Much of this captured carbon gets buried at sea as
extensive deposits of hydrocarbons such as coal, shales, oil, and natural gas,
as thick beds of carbonates such as chalk, limestone and dolomite, and in sea
shells, bones and coral reefs.
natural carbon capture and burial caused atmospheric carbon dioxide to reach a
dangerous low of about 275 ppm by the end of the Little Ice Age about 200 years
ago. At this level, plants suffer carbon starvation and growth slows. Like all
cold eras, these times were grim.
the climate cycles changed, and earth started warming – some ice melted, oceans
warmed and carbon dioxide was expelled from the warming oceans to provide more
food for plants. Green vegetation started to invade the deserts and crop yields
industrial activities aided this natural green revolution over the last century
by returning some naturally-buried carbon from coal and limestone to the
biosphere. The pace of earth-greening has increased - even the giant redwoods
are growing faster in this more-fertile atmosphere.
All life thrives when there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Do the carbon haters also hate life?
Cartoonist Peter Ommundsen sourced [here]
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